Year 6 Report

Welcome Grade 6s to our final term at Roxburgh Park Primary School. The Grade 6 teachers cannot wait to share this final chapter of your primary school adventure with you!



In Literacy this term Grade 6s will be drafting, revising and publishing a memory book about their lives. Students have created chapters based upon their families, their memories of school, themselves and their future aspirations. In Reading this term, students will participate in Book Club groups, reading different genre chapter books and participating in group discussions about the books we are reading.

Numeracy and Inquiry 

In Numeracy and Inquiry this term, Grade 6 students will explore the link between money and governments. Students will revisit their fraction, decimal and percent knowledge and use this to determine best buys, compare prices and explore how we use budgets in our everyday lives. Along side this, students will explore our local, state and federal government system and participate in a parliament incursion.


  • Hats must be worn in Term 4
  • School begins at 8:50 am each day
  • Student free days this term November 6 & 7
  • Year 7 Orientation Day December 12
  • Fun Fields Excursion December 15
  • Grade 6 Graduation will be on December 18