Year 3 Report

Term 4 


This term students have begun to explore the purpose of a writers notebook which they will continue to use for the remainder of the term. Writers Notebooks allow students to have a personal book to write any text type of their choice. Students are encouraged to bring in artefacts from home such as photos, receipts, mementos or any other special items that they have been inspired to write with. 

In week 5 students will begin to learn about the text type of a memoir. They will explore and identify different types of memoirs as mentor texts as well as write their own memoir. They will continue to revise and edit their writing in order to improve and achieve their goals. 

In reading the students will continue to work on comprehension strategies and work in small groups to develop a deeper understanding of the text.  We have begun this term focusing on being critical readers and analysing how authors craft their books. Students are now focusing on the concept of inference. Inference encourages students to use information from the book and their own previous knowledge to understanding the characters and plot within a text. 


Using Inference
Using Inference


Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking


We are starting this term looking at measurement. Students will be investigating length, area and mass. They will have opportunities to use hands on materials including rulers, trundle wheels and scales to measure and compare objects. 


Connection to home: Activities at home like cooking and building towers can be useful learning activities to support understanding of measurement.



In Inquiry, students have begun to explore our Term 4 topic ‘How can we to contribute to commemorating Indigenous culture in Australia?’ Throughout the unit students will have opportunities to explain how and why life changed in the past, and identify aspects of the past that remained the same. Students will describe the experiences and perspectives of an individual or group over time. Students will recognise the significance of having annual commemorative events that bring about change.


Important Dates 

Curriculum Day - Friday the 20th of October 

Curriculum Day - Monday the 6th of November

Melbourne Cup - Tuesday the 7th of November

Whole School Swimming Program - Monday the 13th to Friday the 17th of November 



Term 4 Reminders 

  • School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm 
  • School hats must be worn in Term 4 – our school has a no hat, no play policy