Prep Report

Welcome back to Term Four everyone! The Grade Prep teachers have been busy preparing engaging activities for students and we are excited for all the learning to come this term! 



In Literacy, students are learning about the text structure and features of fiction books. They will read a range of rich literature and learn that fiction books have characters, settings, problems, solutions and a beginning, middle and end. Students will continue to practice their reading strategies with a particular focus on stretching out the sounds they hear in words (sounding out) and chunking sounds to read tricky words. Students will continue to learn about digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and be able to identify sounds such as; ‘ck’, ‘ng’, ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘ar’, ‘ee’, ‘ea’ when they are reading. Students will move on to learning and consolidating their ability to read and write Oxford Words 1-20 during writing sessions. Students will also learn about the structure of writing a fictional story in writing, which will be supported by reading fiction books in reading lessons. In writing, they will continue to practice the writing conventions, such as using punctuation, finger spaces, re-reading their writing, editing and increasing their writing stamina.  



In Numeracy, students will be using Rekenreks (counting frames) to consolidate their understanding of subutizing (recognising numbers) and number bonds to 20. They will also learn about addition and subtraction by breaking numbers into parts (part-part-whole) and using doubles and near doubles. They will continue to work on their number fluency by playing games, singing counting songs and taking part in daily counting activities. Students will also learn about capacity by measuring how much an object can hold using a range of materials to measure such as water, sand and blocks. They will practice measuring, comparing and ordering the capacity of objects in the environment. Towards the end of term, students will extend their understanding of addition and subtraction which they learnt at the start of term using the Rekenreks. They will then explore these topics using a range of hands-on materials to support their understanding and link the problems they solve to real life experiences. 



In Inquiry, students are learning about sustainability and where rubbish goes when we throw it away. They’ll learn about how littering has a negative impact on the environment and how to sort rubbish into items that can be recycled. 



In Social and Emotional Learning, students will learn about being mindful and how to express gratitude. They will practice reflecting on the things they’re grateful for by keeping a gratitude journal. They will discuss their likes and dislikes and how they can do anything they like to do, regardless of whether they’re a boy or girl. 


Important Dates 

Curriculum Day - Friday the 20th of October 

Curriculum Day - Monday the 6th of November

Melbourne Cup - Tuesday the 7th of November

Prep Breakfast - Thursday the 9th of November

Whole School Swimming Program - Monday the 13th to Friday the 17th of November 

 Prep Zoo Excursion - Monday the 27th of November 


Term 4 Reminders 

  • School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm 
  • School hats must be worn in Term 4 – our school has a no hat, no play policy 
  • Oxford words will be sent home in the red folders for reading and spelling practise  
  • Please bring a water bottle clearly labelled with your child's name.