
Welcome back to an exciting fourth semester of Italian. Students will be able to engage in a variety of exercises aimed at improving their conversational and writing abilities in Italian.


Prep students will continue to practice greetings and answering simple questions about themselves. Students will learn to distinguish numerals to 20, colours, and animal names both audibly and in writing. Chants, songs, and learning exercises will assist students in acquiring confidence in their oral pronunciation. 


Prep students playing Tombola
Prep students playing Tombola


Students in Grades One and Two will be introduced to new language and cultural features of Italy via a range of topics. Students will learn more about body parts, family members, colours, and how to count to 30 in Italian. Chants, songs, and learning exercises will help students acquire confidence in their oral pronunciation of Italian.  


Years one and two learning to count to thirty
Years one and two learning to count to thirty


Students in Grades Three and Four will continue to use greetings, ask and answer questions about themselves and others, and compose short sentences. Students will learn about adjectives and how to describe themselves and others. Chants, songs, and learning activities can all assist pupils improve their oral pronunciation. 

Years three and four learning to talk about them selves
Years three and four learning to talk about them selves


Students in Grades Five and Six will continue to exchange greetings, address people, and use appropriate pronunciation. Also, students have begun reading and writing sentences and counting to fifty. Our emphasis on Adjectives and Verbs will provide pupils with a better knowledge of how to describe physical appearance and activities.


Years five and six learning about adjectives in Italian
Years five and six learning about adjectives in Italian