Monday 30 October
VCAA Written Exams (24 Oct to 15 Nov)
Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Thursday 9 November
Year 11 Exams (9 to 14)
Wednesday 15 November
Year 11 into 12 Retreat (15 to 17)
Friday 17 November
Staff Professional Practice Day - Student FREE Day
Monday 20 November
Step Up Program (20 Nov to 1 Dec) - Year 11 into 12
Friday 1 December
Year 11 Awards Assembly (Period 4)
Thursday 7 December
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Revision Lectures
Over the past few weeks, all VCE students studying a Unit 3/4 subject were invited to attend revision lectures for their subjects.
They have had a variety of different subject experts come in to go over some tricky areas of content as well as provide some tips on how best to prepare and approach each exam.
It was great to see so many students utilise these opportunities and walk away feeling more confident going into their exams.
Year 12 Last Day Classes
Thursday October 12 saw lots of smiles as students said farewell to teachers while enjoying a delicious egg and bacon roll breakfast and attended their final classes forever!
Uniforms were decorated and signed and there were plenty of creative takes on the Lilydale uniform which has seen these students through 6 years of high school.
Year 12 Festivities Day
Friday 13 October
The sun was shining almost as much as our Year 12s smiles during their Festivities Day on Friday October 13. All year levels came out at recess to watch the Year 12s dressed in different costumes parade through the school into the Hall where students danced away to a DJ and celebrated for the next couple of hours. The photo booth was a hit with students being able to take away a printed memory of the day.
Year 11 Exams
Exams will be held for each subject from Wednesday 9 November 9 to Tuesday 14 November.
The Year 11 exam timetable is available for students on the Year 11 Classroom and below.
If students have a clash with their exams, there is a form to fill out in the VCE Coordinators Office.
Any other concerns, please come and speak to one of the coordinators.
Year 11 into 12 Step Up Program
It is compulsory that all Year 11 students moving into Year 12 next year attend the Step Up Program from Monday November 20 to Friday December 1.
This is an opportunity for students to meet their new teachers and the students who will be in their classes.
Furthermore, every subject will start the content for next year, and essential holiday homework will be distributed.
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner will take place on Thursday December 7 at Leonda by the Yarra.
A very small number of additional tickets are now available for those families who require more.
Look after yourself
A reminder for students during this time to make sure you are looking after yourselves and are maintaining a good balance between study and social life.
It can be easy to get overwhelmed with everything that is happening so have things in place that look after your wellbeing including:
- Eating a healthy, balanced diet
- Exercising, even just going for a walk outside
- Mindfulness breathing and/or meditation
- Staying connected with friends and family
- Having a study plan and sticking to it
VCE Coordination Team