Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Wednesday 8 November
Year 11 VCE Exams (8 to 13)
Years 7 to 10 Thrive Reflection - Period 6
Friday 10 November
Year 9 English Exam - Periods 1 & 2
Year 9 Maths Exam - Periods 5 & 6
Monday 13 November
Year 9 Tasmania Camp (13 to 17)
Year 10 Exams (13 to 16)
Friday 17 November
Staff Professional Practice Day - Student FREE Day
Monday 20 November
Step Up Program (20 Nov to 1 Dec) -
Year 9 into 10, Year 10 into 11
Sunday 26 November
Australian Basketball Championships (26 Nov to 1 Dec)
Friday 1 December
Year 10 Awards Assembly - Period 1
Year 9 Awards Assembly - Period 2
Monday 4 December
End of Year Program (4 to 19)
Year 9 Micro-credentials Program (4 to 6)
Wednesday 20 December
End of Term 4
Year 9 Micro-credentials Program
The aim for this initiative is to offer an opportunity to build on and enhance Year 9 students’ employability skills by offering a range of micro-credentials that will enable students to gain opportunities in the workforce for next year and beyond.
We will be offering the following sessions for all Year 9 students:
Monday 4 December
Girls: Empowering Women in Trade Taster Session (run by an external organisation).
Monday also includes Barista Training, Hospitality Services and Safe @Work certificate.
Boys: Men in Trades Session (run by an external organisation).
Monday also includes Barista Training, Hospitality Services and Safe @Work certificate.
Tuesday 5 December
Basic First Aid (HLTAID010 + HLTAID009 Cost: $80 (limited places available – consent and pay on Compass).
Wednesday 6 December
Deakin University Excursion – Tour and Presentation, COST: $12
If your student would like to be involved, please consent and pay on Compass.
Students who do not sign up for the Micro-credential Program, will be expected to attend the End of Year Program.
Year 9 Ceramics
Students in Ms Young's class recently made clay CANDLES with FACES!
Students in Ms Hovanjec's ceramics class created and applied glaze colour to their clay pebbles/stones.
Year 9 Theatre Performance
Monday 11 September
Year 9 Drama Excursion to see 'Yes Yes Yes' at the Arts Centre with Ms Goode, Mrs McGrotty and Eryn.
An interactive and engaging performance that explored healthy relationships.
CrossFit Lilydale Ranges
Monday 11 September
Students in the Year 9 ADP class participated in a 60-minute CrossFit class. The session designed to increase strength and fitness fast, was also challenging and FUN.
Drew the owner of CrossFit Lilydale Ranges, was very impressed with how enthusiastic the students were!
Year 9 Sponge Cake Decorating
Tuesday 24 October
Last week, students in Ms Harmes Year 9 Food Studies - Food Preparation Skills class decorated their sponge cakes beautifully.
Year 10 Cooking for Company
Ms Hari’s Year 10 Cooking for Company class recently made Steak Fajitas with Guacamole and Corn Salsa!
Here is Nathan preparing his Fajitas and Jacob and Will with their Fajitas ready to eat.
Year 10 Wood Technology
Cooper and Jed with their finished trucks. Fantastic boys!
World Teachers Day
Friday 27 October
As a sign of appreciation and to say THANK YOU to the AMAZING teachers at Lilydale High School, Ms Harmes Year 9 Compassionate Kitchen class made chocolate balls for all staff to enjoy!
2024 Year 11 Presentation Ball
Sunday 21 April
The Crown Palladium
5.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Lilydale High School is pleased to invite Year 10 students to participate in the Year 11 Presentation Ball for 2024. This isa fantastic opportunity for our students to present themselves to the School Community in a formal setting.
Parents/Carers to ensure your child has a place, FULL payment of $400 per student is to be paid on Compass by Wednesday December 20.
Please consider the following details (as this is not a compulsory school program event) and return the form below nominating your child and their partner.
The Presentation Ball is run by Danielle DeVine. For all enquiries, please call Danielle on 9735 5644 during school hours.
Middle School Coordination Team