Tuesday 7 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Friday 17 November
Staff Professional Practice Day - Student FREE DAY
Monday 20 November
Step Up Program (20 Nov to 1 Dec) -
Year 7 into 8, Year 8 into 9
Monday 4 December
End of Year Program (4 to 19)
Friday 8 December
Year 7 Awards Assembly (Pd 1 & 2)
Year 8 Awards Assembly (Pd 3 & 4)
Tuesday 12 December
2024 Year 7 Orientation Day
Wednesday 20 December
End of Term 4
Year 7 Science
Creating food chains and food webs with 7F.
LHS Zookeepers
Thank you to our wonderful Zookeepers who volunteer before school, recess, lunch and after school.
During the school September school holidays, we had about 8 students coming into the Zoology Centre to help out with the animals.
Here are some of the students soaking one of our monitors who is having a bath to help it shed some of the dry skin on its back! You can tell this lizard loves having a gentle scrub with a toothbrush as it lays in the warm water!
Year 7 Zoology Centre Visit
Monday 9 October
7H Science students spent a period in the Zoology Centre. They had a GREAT time holding some of our amazing reptiles.
Year 7 Systems Engineering
Students are creating LED lights with wooden bases. They are enjoying being creative with their bases, finding an image to be laser cut into acrylic for their light fitting and testing their LED strips.
Year 8 SEALP
'Designed by Nature Biomimicry Program'
Monday 17 October
As part of their Geography studies, students in 8A were able to explore the Royal Botanic Gardens to see how nature can be used for design inspiration and problem solving through biomimicry.
This involved walking through the fern garden and studying the design and functions of fern fronds to then create their own designs that mimic these functions.
Year 8 Guest Speaker
Friday 27 October
Mr Fyffe's Year 8 Health class had Nick Pearce the co-founder of HoMie speak to the class about social enterprises and what HoMie does in the community.
Year 8 Vice Captains Report
It's unbelievable that it is Term 4 already! This year has gone past so fast, but we still have a lot of fun activities for this term.
In Week 2, the Year 8's participated in the tech school excursion which was held at the Yarra Ranges Tech School where we learned how to build a house with good insulation to keep the house warm - 'AI and Sustainability'. We also talked about how to create houses for people with special needs. My group thought of adding a chair lift or a ramp for easy access.
The Year 8's only have 3 weeks left of Year 8 before we start our transition into Year 9.
Junior School Coordination Team