A Taste of France In Your Home
Host A Student From Our Sister School in February 2024
We are looking for 24 families to host exchange students from our sister school in France.
The students are senior high school students (Years 10 -12) and they all study English. They will be visiting, along with two teachers, in February 2024. Exact dates are soon to be confirmed but they will arrive around 18 Feb and depart around 6 March.
Families will have the opportunity to communicate with their host student before the end of this year, so that the host family and the visitor can get to know each other before the French students arrive.
The responsibilites of hosting families will include:
- providing all meals and a place to sleep
- transporting students to and from school (myki cards provided for them), which includes the occasional later pick up from Lilydale Station
- welcoming the student into your regular weekend family activities
The benefits for hosting families include:
- making a new friend
- experiencing some French culture in your own home
- the chance to share some of our unique Australian traditions and landscape and to see it from a different perspective
- learning a few French phrases from your visitor
Please complete the Google Form below if you are interested in hosting an exchange student.
Kelly Farrell
Head of Languages
Students Transferring OR Exiting at the end of 2023
If you have a student who is transferring to a new school or exiting to employment or TAFE, at the end of the year, you are required to complete EXIT PAPERWORK. This can be obtained from the General Office.
Before a student is allowed to leave school, they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full-time training or employment. These are government requirements.
Students under the age of 17 wishing to undertake these options MUST provide proof of placement in the course or letter of offer from the employer. They must participate in:
- An average of at least 25 hours per week of approved education, training or employment or a combination of these or
- A course of education or training considered to be full-time by the provider.
Any students wishing to leave before these requirements are met, MUST put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.
If you would like some advice on career pathways or training options, please book an appointment with Careers. Training options can include: VCAL, TAFE, Apprenticeship or Full time employment.
ALL students leaving school before the end of Year 12 are required to fill in an exemption from school application form and complete a Careers or MIPs appointment.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Polkinghorne on 9735 5644.
Year 11 VCE Uniform 2024
As of 2024, all Year 11 students will be required to wear the NEW navy VCE shirt (supplied by Lowes). This will replace the existing VCE blue polo.
The current VCE blue windcheater will be also be unavailable as a uniform item for this cohort of students.
The blue V-neck jumper and/or blue LHS softshell jacket are uniform items that can be worn.
The change of uniform items for next year is a apart of the school's new uniform transition, which began back in 2020.
Stuart Young
Assistant Principal
Student Absences
Parents/Carers, when your child is marked ABSENT without parent approval (before 10.45 am), you will receive a school SMS message containing an attendance link.
We ask that you PLEASE follow the attendance link to approve/explain your child's absence.
Once entered, this will automatically update the absence on Compass.
Asthma | Diabetes | Anaphylaxis | Epilepsy | Allergy Action Plans
LHS Student Management Action Plans are required to be updated and submitted to the school every 12 months. Please ensure you have provided this to Sick Bay in the best interest of your child.
If you require any assistance, do not hesitate to contact the school.
Car Park - Melba Ave
Student Safety
For safety, students are not to be dropped off in the Melba Avenue Staff car park. This a parking facility only.
The STADIUM CAR PARK is designated for student drop off and collection. The William Street entrance to the school is also an option.
Wendy Powson