Parents' Association News & Events

Upcoming events.
Halloween disco - Friday 27th October
Colour run - Friday 8th December
2nd Hand Uniforms and Lost Property
2nd Hand Uniform
Thank you to all the families who have donated 2nd hand uniforms to the school. 2nd hand items are sold through the Parents Association (PA) Uniform Shop for $5 each.
The next shop dates are as follows:
Term 4 – Wednesday 25th October
If you have any uniforms that you’d like to donate, please wash them and drop them in to the school office.
Note re new uniforms – the Bob Stewart uniform shop is waiting on deliveries of several items/sizes, they’ve suggested phoning to check on stock, or to call, drop in or go online to place out-of-stock uniforms on order.
Lost Property
Hi Everyone, we are so lucky to have parents sort the lost property bins almost weekly due to the enormous amount of uniform left outside daily . These ones were left overnight so are damp. Please encourage your children to be responsible for their uniform . Returning unforms is so much easier when they are clearly named - Food containers and drink bottles too.
The lost property bins are in the entrance way of the Junior Hall; please check the bins if lost items can’t be found in the playground. It can take a day or two for things to find their way into the lost property bins, so please check back if you can’t find the lost item on your first try.
Unlabelled items are donated to the PA Uniform Shop.
Please label all uniform items, lunch boxes and drink bottles. Labels need to clearly show your child’s first name + surname or first initial + surname if you can’t fit the full detail on the tag.