Year 6 Update

6A-Mr Cole 6B-Ms Sharp 6C-Ms Sheers 6D-Ms Elkin 6E-Ms Ferdinands

6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands
6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:


SubjectLearning Intention
ReadingTo unpack our novel study on 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'
WritingTo start drafting and publishing for our end of year scrapbook
MathsTo understand location and transformation
Social and Emotional LearningTo understand the importance of embracing ourselves and our bodies
InquiryTo understand what it means to be a citizen 

For bonus house points, tell your child the code word "dubious"

News and Reminders:

  • Homework (to be submitted via Teams):

Reading - 10 minutes of reading per night and one reading response (weekly)

Writing - published scrapbook pieces (2 per fortnight)

Maths - Jet pack Algebra at least one level completed (weekly)

  • Hats are to be worn in Term 4
  • Year 6 Camp 6th-8th December
  • Students who are signed up to the BYOD program are expected to be bringing their school devices daily and ensuring they are fully charged

Celebration of Learning:

ISS - Volleyball
ISS - Kickball
ISS - Basketball
ISS - Volleyball
ISS - Kickball
ISS - Basketball