5/6 Area

Brittany Ansons, Samira Abou-Eid, Susan Righele, Monique Jones,

Antoinette El Bazouni, Amanda Douvos & Ester Moretti


Students have enjoyed learning about and investigating  different units of measurement over the past two weeks. Students demonstrated their ability to make reasonable estimations involving volume, capacity and mass and explored benchmarks such as a cubic centimetre, a litre and a kilogram. Students learnt how to  accurately measure items through using and reading the scale on standard tools such as kitchen and bathroom scales, weighing scales, and different types of measuring jugs and spoons.


They have been developing their knowledge through:

Fluency in naming appropriate units for measuring volume, capacity and mass.

Understanding through making reasonable estimations with metric units.

Problem solving about the measurement of volume, capacity and mass by using knowledge of the relationship between metric units.

Reasoning about the approximate volume, capacity or mass of objects by estimating and explaining how metric units relate to each other.