Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Rowena Lytton and Mrs Josie Carmichael


Over the last 2 weeks, the Prep students have been lucky enough to take part in the swimming program. Students have learnt different styles of kicking, the importance of breathing, how to dive and most importantly, how to stay safe around water. It was lovely to see all of our students so well behaved and upholding our Positive Behaviour Expectations.



In writing, we have covered a range of different writing styles and different writing techniques. We have explored writing out own narratives, taking part in an experience and writing a recount of the events and have begun learning about transactional texts and their purpose. 


Here are some of the amazing dinosaurs that the Preps created in a language experience and wrote about; they tied in wonderfully with the transactional unit we began this week! 

This week in writing we began writing letters. We read the story 'Dear Dinosaur' by Chae Strathie and then had the opportunity to write a letter to the T-Rex in the story. For their first attempts at letter writing, we thought their letters were pretty impressive!