Junior School Council & Engagement 

Mr James Gagliardi 

If you haven't seen it already, make sure you head by our new PVNPS Community Garden. The increased sunshine, great soil and tender love and care of our wonderful student watering team and the various Gardening Social groups who've been working in there have all helped it flourish. Many students have already enjoyed a variety of gardening tasks and some of our hard working watering crew even enjoyed a staffroom lunchtime visit put together a simple green salad to eat.

Do you have any seedlings or seeds you'd like to donate to our garden? 

If so, please let Mr Gagliardi (Mr G) know.

Are you a parent interested in getting involved to develop our gardening space further?


 If so, please contact Mr Gagliardi (Mr G) as this might be a great opportunity to get to know other parents too.