Parent News

Attendance Information
If your child is absent, please follow the steps below:
Option 1
Call SCHS on 8734 2800 and leave a message on the absence line before 10:00 am
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Reason for Absence
Option 2
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Reason for Absence
Option 3
Logging into the Compass Parent Portal before 10am (how to guide)
Late Arrival to School
If a student arrives to school after 8.50am they are to sign in at the Compass kiosk or at the General Office. Parents can call the SCHS General Office to report any late arrivals.
Medical Certificates & Proof of Isolation Documents
Include: Student Full Name
House & Home Group
Further Information on Attendance can be found on the SCHS Attendance Policy attached below:
Kathryn Boxer Enrolments Manager
Reminder about Train & Tram Safety
As many of our students use public transport it is a timely reminder to ensure you are acting safely around trains and trams. In particular, students should not be crossing in front of trains or trams.
PTV has great resources to help you stay safe whilst travelling on their network.
Parent & Emergency Contact Information
It is extremely important that your contact details are up to date and you have emergency contact information listed with the school. This information should be updated as necessary. It is particularly important that we have someone to call if parents are unable to receive phone calls at work.
Only contacts listed as emergency contacts are permitted to collect students from school during the day.
Please note that older siblings over 18 may be listed as emergency contacts. To update your details please email
Leaving Early / Sick Bay
Please ensure your child is aware of any appointments or requirement to leave school early prior to coming to school. Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones whilst at school and are therefore unable to receive text messages from parents or guardians. Parents are to add an attendance note on Compass and sign them out from the office when you arrive.
Likewise, students are not to call parents when they are sick.
Students who are feeling unwell should report to sickbay and if are deemed unwell you will be contacted to collect them.