Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care

Welcome back to all Year 7 students and families as we start this final term of Year 7. The end is very much in sight! The Spring term is always an exciting one, what with warmer days, surfing lessons and an exciting promise of the summer holidays. However, there is much to do and lots of learning to be done in our classes. I just want to share a couple of little reminders for us all so we have the best term possible.


1. Appropriate Use of Technology: 

In today's digital age, technology is a significant part of our lives. While it offers countless benefits, it's essential to remember the importance of responsible and ethical use. Use your devices for learning and connection with your peers, but avoid distractions during class time. Always respect your teachers and fellow students in both online and offline interactions.


2. The Value of Honesty:

 Honesty is a cornerstone of character. In all your actions, be truthful and transparent. This applies to your academic work, relationships with peers, and conversations with your teachers. A reputation for honesty is a valuable asset that will serve you well in your journey through life. Sadly, a number of my interactions of late with our Year 7 girls have been lacking in honesty and this is something we can try and work on together.


3. Summer Uniform: 

With the arrival of warmer weather, it's time to don your summer uniform. It has been very pleasing to see us all be resplendent in our summer uniform and while there have been no major issues so far, please ensure you are wearing the correct uniform according to our policies. A neat and appropriate uniform not only reflects well on you but also on our school as a whole. If you have any issues with obtaining or maintaining the proper uniform, please be proactive and come and see me and we can assist you.


Let's make Term 4 memorable by embracing these reminders with enthusiasm and dedication. Together, we can continue to build a supportive and respectful school environment where each of you can thrive.


If you ever have concerns or need guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. If you can’t find me at school, I’m either in the staffroom or in class.


Wishing you a fantastic Term 4 filled with growth, learning, and the joy of new experiences.


Tom Inatey

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 8 Pastoral Care

Dear Parents and Carers of Year 8 Students,


I trust you had a restful and enjoyable holiday break, and I extend a warm welcome to you and your daughters as we enter Term 4. This term is expected to be a busy yet fulfilling end to the school year. I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you: our Year 8 students will be embarking on a memorable and enriching adventure at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre later this term.


Over the next few weeks, I will be meeting with Year 8 to discuss the various activities and organisational details of this camp. Here is an overview of the important information:


Camp Details


We're excited to inform you that the camp will take place from Wednesday, November 15th, to Friday, November 17th. On Wednesday morning, students should meet at the College at 8:00 a.m. for an 8:30 a.m. departure. We expect to return on Friday at approximately 2:45 p.m.



Stanwell Tops Conference Centre 

51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508



This camp is packed with a wide range of activities designed to enhance your daughter's learning, social skills, and confidence. The activities will include team-building challenges, archery, a giant swing, a high ropes course, evening group activities, and much more.



You should have received a notification for this event on Compass. Please log in and answer the event questions, granting your consent for your daughter to attend. Additionally, please note any dietary requirements through the Compass event.



For students requiring medication, an Authority to Administer Medication form must be completed, printed, and handed to me. Students who need medication during the camp should have their medication stored in a Zip Lock bag with their name and dosage instructions clearly written on the bag or in a note inside the bag. All medication will be collected, stored, and overseen by me. 


We are genuinely excited about the learning and bonding opportunities that this camp will provide for our Year 8 students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or call the College at 9398 6710.


Thank you for your continued support.


Rebecca Monohan

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 9 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 9 Parents and Carers,


We hope this message finds you well. We are excited to share some important updates and upcoming events with you as we embark on an eventful semester.


Year 9 Camp - Save the Date!

We are thrilled to inform you that our Year 9 students will have the opportunity to participate in an exciting camp in Week 8 of this term. The camp promises to be an enriching and memorable experience for our students, offering valuable learning opportunities, team-building activities, and a chance to create lasting memories. Please stay tuned for more information on the Compass event which will have the packing lists, and essential details. We will be sending out a dedicated email with comprehensive information shortly. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of our students will be our top priority throughout the camp.


Upcoming Assessment Tasks - Weeks 2-5

As we delve into the new term, it's essential for both students and parents to be aware of

upcoming assessment tasks. During Weeks 2 to 6, our Year 9 students will be engaged in a series of assessment tasks designed to assess their progress and understanding of the

course material. These assessments are an integral part of their academic journey and will provide valuable insights into their learning. We encourage open communication between students, parents, and teachers to ensure success. Please help your child prepare for these assessments by setting aside dedicated study time and providing a quiet, conducive learning environment.


Communication Channels

We value clear communication with our Year 9 parents and carers. If you have any questions or require further information regarding the camp, assessment tasks, or any other school-related matters, please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone.


We look forward to sharing more detailed information about the Year 9 camp shortly, and we thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education.


Warm regards,


Nikki McWhirter

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 10 Pastoral Care

Dear Year 10,


As we step into the final term of the academic year, we embark on a journey that marks the culmination of our time in Year 10. Term 4 is a crucial phase, filled with both excitement and challenges, as we prepare to conquer our last set of assessments before entering the realm of senior schooling.


Reflecting on the Journey

Before we delve into the specifics of Term 4, let's take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've had so far. Remember the first day of Year 10? The excitement, the nerves, and the anticipation of what the year held for us? We've grown so much since then, both academically and personally.


Through the ups and downs, we've learned valuable lessons, forged lasting friendships, and honed our skills. Term 4 gives us the opportunity to put all of that growth and knowledge into action.


Preparing for Assessments

One of the significant aspects of Term 4 is the completion of our final assessments for the year. It's important to approach this phase with a proactive and positive mindset. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this important period:


1. Organise and Prioritise:

   Start by organising all your assessments and assignments. Make a clear timetable with deadlines and prioritise tasks based on due dates and importance.


2. Seek Support:

   Don't hesitate to seek help from your teachers, peers, or even external resources if needed. Collaborative study sessions can provide fresh perspectives and insights.


3. Break it Down:

   Divide your assessments into smaller, manageable tasks. Take it one step at a time, focusing on completing each part effectively rather than feeling overwhelmed by the entire task.


4. Time Management:

   Develop a realistic study schedule that allows time for both study and relaxation. Balance is key to maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout.


5. Stay Healthy:

   Don't neglect your physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are essential to help you stay focused and energised during this demanding period.


Celebrate the Journey

As we navigate through the challenges of Term 4, let's not forget to celebrate how far we've come. Each assessment is a reflection of the hard work and dedication we've put into our studies. Celebrate the small victories and progress you make, no matter how incremental they may seem.


Remember, Year 10 is a stepping stone toward our future, and the experiences and lessons we gather along the way will shape the paths we choose in the years to come. Let's approach Term 4 with determination, enthusiasm, and a belief in ourselves.



Embrace the final lap of Year 10 with open arms. Term 4 is not just about assessments; it's about showcasing the knowledge and skills we've acquired throughout the year. Let's support each other, cherish our growth, and face the challenges ahead with courage and determination.


I wish you all the best in this exciting and important phase of our academic journey.





Tony Munguia

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 11 Pastoral Care


As we greet the start of Term 4, we are not only welcoming another chapter in the academic calendar but also the official beginning of the 2024 Higher School Certificate (HSC) journey for our Year 11 students. With this transition comes increased responsibilities, not only as scholars but also as leaders of our college community. Term 4 is a period of critical growth and preparation for our Year 12  students as they lay the foundation for their HSC journey. It is a time to set goals, establish study routines, and seek guidance and support from teachers, mentors, and peers.


Leadership and Responsibility


One significant transformation that occurs in Year 11 is the gradual transition to leadership roles within our college community. As students move forward on their educational journey, they become not only scholars but also role models for their peers.


Being a leader in our college community carries specific responsibilities that extend beyond academic performance. We emphasize the following key responsibilities for our Year 11 students:


1. Uniform Compliance: Leaders of the college must set a high standard by wearing the correct uniform. Your attire reflects your commitment to our community, and adhering to the dress code is a fundamental aspect of this commitment.


2. Punctuality: Being punctual for both school and class is a vital part of demonstrating leadership. It not only sets a positive example for others but also ensures a smooth learning environment for all.


3. Behaviour Modeling: Our leaders are expected to model appropriate behaviour in interactions with peers, teachers, and the wider college community. Respect, kindness, and empathy are values we hold dear, and it is our leaders who help propagate these values.


4. Academic Excellence: As you begin your HSC journey, setting a high standard for academic performance is paramount. Your diligence and commitment will inspire your peers to strive for excellence.


As we step into Term 4 and the 2024 HSC journey, let us work together to create a thriving community of learners, leaders, and role models. By embracing your responsibilities as college leaders, you will not only set yourself on a path to success but also contribute to the betterment of our college community as a whole.


I would like to wish all our Year 12  students a productive, enriching, and successful Term 4 as they set out on this remarkable journey.


Jon Campbell

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator