Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"Give, and it will be given to you"

— Luke 6:38

Archdiocesan RE Test Successfully Transitioned Online for Years 8 and 10.

We were thrilled to announce the successful transition of the Archdiocesan Religious Education Test to an online platform for Years 8 and 10 students across Sydney Catholic Schools. This annual test evaluated students' knowledge across the five strands taught in their respective stages.


This year marked a significant change as the test was conducted electronically, using the NAPLAN online browser. At Brigidine College, we applaud the dedication and hard work our students invested in preparing for this examination.


In December, at our Presentation Day Ceremonies, we will recognise the exceptional student achievements in the Archdiocesan test, celebrating those who attained a High Distinction and ranked in the top 10% of all candidates. Their Semester Two report also highlighted their readiness and engagement with the test, recognising their commitment to excellence.


Congratulations to Years 8 and 10, who made the transition to the online platform with grace and determination. We are exceptionally proud of you. 


Reminder: Morning Mass at the College - St Anne's

 Our community joins each fortnight to celebrate Morning Mass in St Anne's.


Brigidine staff, parents, guardians and students are welcome to attend. The upcoming dates for these masses are:

  • Friday 27 October
  • Friday 10 November
  • Friday 24 November
  • Friday 8 December

St Anne's is located on-site at Brigidine, near the stairs to Cullen Hall.  Please be seated by 7:55am for an 8:00am start. Mass concludes at approximately 8:30am. 


I look forward to sharing these eucharistic celebrations with you.


Make a difference this Christmas season! 

'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
                                                                            Matthew 25:40

In the coming weeks, we will announce our Christmas Appeal. Our goal is simple but impactful: to bring joy and support to the vulnerable and those in need right in our own community.


Stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved and help spread the spirit of giving during this festive season. Whether you're a parent, a student, or a broader member of our community, your participation will make a significant difference in someone's life.


Let's unite to make this Christmas a little brighter for those who need it most. Keep an eye out for updates – your kindness can truly make a world of difference! 


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission