

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

— Dale Carnegie

Term 4 - A Season of Growth and Learning


Warm Greetings to our Brigidine community!


I trust this message finds you and your family in good health as we embark on the wonderful journey of Term 4. It's a season that promises new beginnings, exciting opportunities, and a lot of growth for our students.


Celebrating Term Commencement We are thrilled to welcome our students to the start of this term. It's heartwarming to see the vibrant spirit of the Brigidine culture continue to thrive, all thanks to the unwavering dedication of our students and staff.


As we enter this new season, let us remember the inspiring words from the Book of Esther, "Perhaps I am born for a time such as this." Your daughters are certainly born for a time filled with learning, growth, and new experiences.


Our Year 12 students have already taken the first steps in their HSC exams, and their dedication and resilience are truly commendable. Every day, they approach their exams with calmness and positivity. As we walk with them on this journey, we kindly request your thoughts and prayers to uplift and support them.


Appreciation for Parent-Teacher Conferences We extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents who actively participated in our recent Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your involvement in your daughter's education is truly invaluable, and these meetings play a crucial role in her academic progress.


Exciting Initiatives from the Student Leadership Team This term marks the start of a new chapter for our Student Leadership Team. We are excited to present our 2023/2024 Student Leadership Team:

College CaptainSienna Williams
College Vice CaptainOlivia Daley
College Faith & Charism CaptainMolly Menzel
College Social Justice CaptainEmily Grimmond
College Arts & Culture CaptainMaika Joss
College Sports CaptainTarni Doyle
College S.R.C. CaptainJasmine Miller
College Sustainability CaptainEmily Smith
Aquinas House Captains

Sienna Christiansen

Mia Mitchell

Brigidine House Captains

Holly Mintoff

Chloe Soulakellis

Delany House Captains

Samantha Doyle

Jessica Ryan

Regina Mundi House Captains

Macey Johnson

Carla Zaarour

Winifred House Captains

Sienna Beadon

Dakota Murray

Xavier House Captains

Mikayla Burke

Rhianna Mendes

We're excited to support our Student Leadership Team in their efforts to engage with the community and look forward to the exciting initiatives they have in store. 


Staffing Changes with a Grateful Heart We've recently experienced some staffing changes. Saying goodbye is never easy, but these changes are the result of staff members moving on to new opportunities, different schooling systems, or for family reasons. We're committed to ensuring that your daughter continues to receive the exceptional education that she deserves.


Building Update - Progress in the Works Our architects are actively moving forward with the building plans, and we anticipate the tender process will conclude by the end of October. Additionally, the new substation required for our air-conditioning is currently undergoing regulatory compliance processes prior to any installation.


Stay Informed with Parent's Preview Don't forget to check out our weekly Parent's Preview for essential dates and events. It's a fantastic resource to keep you informed about the latest happenings at Brigidine.


As we embrace the possibilities of Term 4, we look forward to a season filled with achievements and positive experiences for your daughters. If you ever have questions or concerns, please know that we are here to support you.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your daughter's education. Together, we will make Term 4 a memorable and successful chapter in our school's journey.


With warm regards,


Mrs Sharyn Quirk
