P&C - Parents and Citizens Association 

New Committee members

We held a P&C meeting on 16 October 2023, Monday night and successfully filled the committee.  Thank you to the parents who have put their hand up to join!  Our current P&C committee members are-


President – Marie Murray

Vice President – Leanne Childs

Treasurer – Joanne Walker

Secretary – Kylie Noble

Committee Member – Susan Bestry

Committee Member – Natasha Brennan

Student Council report

At Monday’s meeting, Kayla De Villiers presented the student council report.  They’ve recently had their first meeting and have come up with some really great ideas for things they need around the school that the P&C could help fund.  We look forward to working with a great bunch of ‘soon to be’ Year 12s and good luck with your head student interviews!

Principal's report

Matt presented his very thorough Principal’s Report.  The school has recently had a lot of success at the Royal Show, Open Day, providing short courses for students and their recent Small Training Provider of the Year!  As a P&C we would like to say a massive thank you to all the staff who put so much effort in to provide the students with these great opportunities.

Cunderdin Ag Parents' Facebook page

Do you know there’s a ‘Cunderdin Ag Parents’ Facebook page?  Keep up to date with P&C news and job opportunities shared by other parents and information from the school.  You need to ‘request’ to join, so if this is taking some time, please email the school cunderdin.wacoa@education.wa.edu.au and they will sort it out for you.

Next P&C meeting

Our next online meeting will be Term 1, 19 Feb 2023 at 6:30pm. 


Marie Murray


P&C Committee