
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Welcome back to Term 4! 

Well done to our Year 12s that have finished off their schooling. It was pleasing to see so many students committed to finishing their time up at Cunderdin with positive results. It is also very pleasing to see our Year 12 ATAR students back working diligently in the study for their WACE Examinations that start in Week 4.


WACE Examination Timetable

EnglishTuesday 31st October
Mathematics ApplicationsWednesday 1st November
Plant Production SystemsMonday 6th November
Animal Production SystemsThursday 9th November

Don't forget to bring your ID and Personalised Exam Timetable to every exam.



Year 11 Round 2 OLNA Results were released last week. Congratulations to those who have now passed their OLNA or have progressed through a section!



Just a reminder for all Year 11 students to remember our class non-negotiables. Although there is not much time remaining for the year, it is important to put your best foot forward, every day, every class.


Have a great few weeks!


Georgia Sharpe

A/Head of Department