
Kristine Van

Residential Manager

Weekend Fun

Last Saturday we had a group of Cunderdin Ag Year 11's attend Adventure World for a day of fun in the sun. We were invited to join Harvey Ag boarders, and by all accounts it was a great day. It is great to see our students making the most of activities we plan for the weekends. Thank you to the parents that supported their students to participate.  

Please check the Term planner and talk to your students about the activities we have planned. Residential staff work hard at trying to get students off their phones, out of their rooms and off to activities. It builds friendships and gives students a change of scenery. 



Skippers Tickets

Skippers ticket training and testing dates are now confirmed. Saturday the 18th November this term and Saturday 17th February, Term 1, next year. This course is run through Mandurah Boat Tuition and costs $300.


The course is made up of 3 parts.

  1. Paperwork and booklet acquired. (To be sent to once names confirmed)
  2. Booklet studied. The booklet must be read, and practice exams taken online to ensure passing.
  3. On the 18th November students will be taken to Dawesville by 8.30 am where they will do theory exam, practical training then assessment. We are usually back at the College by 6pm. 

Places are limited to 10 each day so please email KV as soon as possible to start the ball rolling. 


A few gentle reminders.......

-Student Medications

It is essential that parents contact the school, residential office or residential number to notify us that their child is coming back to boarding with new medications PRIOR to their returning please. This allows us to put it in the system, remind students to take it out of their bags and most importantly monitor their wellbeing. 


-Speed Limits

Can we please remind parents and students that the speed limit coming into and out of the College after pick up and drop off is 20km. This road is used by all students and staff moving between the Rec Hall and Administration and the students' rooms. Our student's safety is paramount. 


-Drink bottles

There are a number of students who do not have drink bottles here at school. It is essential now that the weather is getting hotter that students are responsible for not only having a bottle but ensuring it is filled in break time and carried with them. 


-Extending or changing Leave

Parents must contact the Residential phone (0427 449 613) to inform staff if students are running late or not returning at the time set in REACH. Students will be asked to get their parents to call if they do ring to ensure our Duty of Care.