In the Classroom


Mathematics 3-6




Niangala students were excited to include transition students in our music lesson this week. We discussed the difference between sound and silence, and that instruments produce different types of sounds. We then enjoyed some singing, moving and playing along with a song.

Mathematics 3-6

At the end of last term the students were learning about Statistics and Probability. To finish the unit we had probability stations set up where the students had to read a question, estimate an answer in one minute and then use their iPads to check the answer. If they got the answer correct, they got to spin the wheel of chance to determine how many points they would score. 


At the end of Term 3, students participated in role playing Bible stories with Mr Hunt. A lot of fun was had by all!


In HSIE we have been learning about our connections to special places and how communication influences our connections with other people. We did a listen and draw barrier game to understand the best way to form and keep connections with other people is through good communication.