Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

Highlight of my week number 1; Welcoming the 5 Niangala Nippers for our Kindergarten Transition Program to our school on Thursday! It was so much fun having so many more students in our playground and in the classrooms. The bus was at capacity! What made it even more special was that the transition students were such wonderful students who settled in really well and were keen to participate and try their best at all the activities.  The current students are to be commended too, for how generously and maturely they made the Nippers feel welcome. I was very proud of you all.


Highlight of my week number 2; The new fandangled playground. What an excitement we have had around the two new play areas. The Moduplay playgrounds look fabulous and the students after their first play on them today have rated them very highly! 


Highlight of my week number 3; We are in the territory of Silver Awards!!!  To receive a Silver award means a student has received 5 Bronze awards. A Bronze Award is received after you have received 5 merit certificates, meaning they have achieved 25 merit certificates. Looking forward to awarding some of these to our wonderful students in the near future.  


 What a busy weekend coming up. We have the art opening at NERAM that Mrs Harris has worked extremely hard during the term to get up to this point. Even though the opening is on Saturday, the exhibition will be open for a while so do try and get there to see it. Thank you Mrs Harris for all your work with this, the students have been very enthusiastic to create their artworks and learn about the techniques and styles of other artists. 

We also have the P&C Street Stall on Saturday - please get behind the amazing P&C of Niangala Public School in any way that you can. Guaranteed there will be lots of yummy baking to purchase! We appreciate all the support that the P&C give to the students and staff at the school.


Have a great week everyone, hopefully we will have a return to warmer weather soon along with an inch or two of rain!!


Mrs Crawford