Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Aadi 6B for showing excellent levels of resilience throughout Sport, particularly during Divisional Cross-Country. Great Work Aadi!

Visual Arts - Victoria 5C Victoria consistently shows focus, enthusiasm and dedication in art, producing exceptional pieces. She exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner” and is a great role model for her peers. Congratulations Victoria and well done!

Performing Arts - Mason Xi 5A for displaying fantastic transitions between chords and demonstrating rhythmic strumming patterns while playing the Ukulele. Keep up the great work during rehearsals and good luck for your performance with your class!

Chinese - Reina 6C for participating in the class actively and doing your written work so well. Your willingness to try to write Chinese characters is much appreciated. Keep it up!!!


LLI (Year 5) - Oliver 5C for working so hard in your new LLI group this term & for being an excellent role model.

LLI (Year 2) - Hafsa 2B has been arriving at her L.L.I. lessons ready to listen and learn. In the last few weeks, her level of focus has really improved. Well done, Hafsa!  You should feel very proud of yourself. 


6A - Elia This award is for actively taking on feedback to improve the standard of his bookwork. Keep up the amazing effort Elia!

6B -Amos This award is for being an excellent role model who consistently demonstrates how to be a respectful student of DPW.

6C -Anna This award is for being an excellent role model who consistently demonstrates how to be a respectful member of DPW.  Keep it up.


5A - Jake for the fantastic effort you are putting into school. Jake, I am so proud of the maturity you are showing, the good decisions you are making, the questions you are asking and the effort you are putting into your work. It is a pleasure working with you Jake, thanks for being you!

5B - Caden  for the fantastic effort you are putting into school. I am so proud of the effort you are showing,  the questions you are asking and the effort you are putting into your work. It is a pleasure working with you Caden!


4A - Arabella forher excellent efforts during our Reading lessons. She listens carefully and seeks to challenge her own thinking by synthesising when learning about new topics. Well done Arabella! Keep up your awesome work!

4B - Taylor for always participating during his guided reading group sessions. Taylor contributes well thought ideas during guided reading. His enthusiasm to discuss a text is inspiring and he should be very proud of his efforts.

4C - Ryan for your excellent effort in Math this week. You participated in your group sessions, demonstrated your skills and expertise by verbalising your thinking while solving different multiplication problems. Fantastic work Ryan!


3A - Sidak for displaying our school value of Resilience. Sidak is always open to being challenged, especially in Mathematics, and is commended on being a fantastic role model for her peers. Terrific job, Sidak! 

3B - Jane for consistently showing all of the school values and being a responsible and kind classmate. You are a huge asset to 3B and a fabulous role model to your peers. Go, Jane!

3C - Khenrab for consistently completing all learning tasks with 100% effort and having a positive mindset. Keep up the fantastic work, Khenrab!


2A - Legacy for having a positive attitude to learning and always wanting to challenge himself and try new things!

2B Jolisa for your outstanding commitment towards your learning. You always try your best to improve your work and show Deer Park West Values

2C - Catherine for always being a positive role model to your peers and approaching all your learning tasks with a positive mindset. Well done, Catherine!


1B -  Ayden for his enthusiasm towards learning and real reading during independent reading. Well done Ayden! 

1A - Nathan for solving subtraction problems during Mathematics. He demonstrated our school's value of resilience. Well done Nathan!


FB - Jina for demonstrating integrity. In Mathematics, Jina listened, watched, and learnt about patterns. She practised creating patterns and was able to show the part that was repeated. Well done Jina!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

2C - Catherine for always being a positive role model to your peers and approaching all your learning tasks with a positive mindset. Well done, Catherine!


Upper primary: 

3B - Jane for consistently showing all of the school values and being a responsible and kind classmate. You are a huge asset to 3B and a fabulous role model to your peers. Go, Jane!