
Year 1 Historical Walk

On Wednesday the 5 June, the Year 1s went for a walking excursion around Port Melbourne. We have been learning about historical landmarks in Port Melbourne during our Inquiry unit. We looked at the lighthouses, the pier and then had a ball playing in the sand with all our friends. Thank you to the parents who came with us to help out. It was a lovely winter's day and everyone had a ball!


"We went on an excursion to see things around Port Melbourne because we are learning about Port Melbourne's history in Inquiry. We saw the lighthouses and the pier and then we got to play in the sand."  - Ruby 1C


"When we went out this morning I had a nice time. My favourite bit was seeing 3 starfish!" - Calvin 1B


"I was playing with my friends from other grades in the sand. We made a big hole!" - Lucas 1B.

Carlton Respects, Road to Respect

Our senior students participated in the Carlton Respects, Road to Respect program. The program is split into four sessions covering the topics of managing emotions, bullying and help seeking, being a buddy and stereotypes, and key values and respect. 


Students participated in the program, sharing their knowledge and interacting with the program coordinators. The program also encourages team working skills, engaging students in a number of small group activities. 


“It was fun because I got to see some of my favourite players online, teaching us about bullying, upstanders and being respectful to one another.” – Daisy 


“I got to learn and be more aware about people who might be upset and how to approach that.” – Janeeta 


“It was absolutely amazing, I loved it. The games were great, and all the sessions were very interactive and we all got involved!” – Matteo