Year 1 Bulletin


Learning Intention: To reinforce our understanding of what is an equal half.


Learning Experience Overview: 


In our Maths lessons we are exploring fractions. The focus is on distinguishing the differences between halfway and half, before we move into looking at what quarters and eighths are. In this first lesson we are beginning our exploration through reinforcing what is an equal half and different ways that we can show equal halves. 


We do: 


As a class, we explored what a half can look like through looking at various shapes that are coloured in and identifying which have been coloured in half and which ones have not. We then watched a Scratch Garden video where we saw some examples of what a half can look like. 


  • What does half mean?
  • How do we know something is half?
  • Have you ever halved something with a friend?
  • Can you draw an example on the whiteboard?                                                                         

You do:


Students were given a pizza with some toppings, they then had to put half of the toppings onto their pizzas. In the first pizza they were given 8 pepperoni slices and 6 mushrooms, half of each was to go on the 2 halves of their pizza. They then had 10 pieces of capsicum and 4 tomato slices to place onto their pizzas. 


We do:


Share and reflect – we then shared with each other the pizzas we had created and discussed how we knew we had only used half of each of the toppings. 


Here are some of the different things that the students shared and some of their work:

What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • You may like to do a pizza night, create pizzas with different fractions of toppings.
  • Using Lego, you could have your child use different colours to represent some fractions.
  • Have your child divide food on their plate into equal halves. 

Stef, Georgia and Matt

Year 1 Team