Inquiry Centre
Brrr! It was so cold and my body was tingling as I began to shiver. In Writing this week we have been learning to add detail and engage the reader when writing imaginative recounts. Students have demonstrated creativity and a love of learning to improve their work by adding adjectives and using capital letters and full stops.
In Reading we have been learning to visualise what we hear. Students have been encouraged to make a movie in their mind and use their imagination. Students did an amazing job showing creativity when making artwork in response to different stories in "Where the Forest Meets the Sea" and "Hidden Forest". See below for some wonderful photos of all the exciting and engaging activities we are doing in 1/2!
Thanks to all our wonderful families for your continued support!
Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.
Student Voice - What went well this week?
- "I enjoyed making our collages in reading" - Nathan K
- 'I did well when working on my Maths on the iPad" - Max D
- 'My writing went well this week because I came up with great ideas' - Millie B
- 'I liked making my Collage in reading' - Amelie T
- 'I went well on Essential Assessment in maths' - Lewis O
- With cooler months ahead of us we welcome tissue box donations. Thank you!
- Hats are no longer required from May 1st until September
- With these cold mornings and warm afternoons please make sure all jumpers and belongs are labelled with your child's name.
- Students are reminded to bring their library bag to school on library days.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Maisie P
For demonstrating kindness to others when they are hurt or sad. Your gentle nature and kind smiles help others who are sad. Keep up the amazing job Maisie!
1/2M - Alfie B
For demonstrating a love of learning with your subtraction questions this week and your growing confidence when using a number line. Keep up the great work!
1/2S - Vaanya S
For showing kindness and inclusion to everybody around you. You are always the first to ask if somebody needs a friend to play with or comfort someone if they are sad.
1/2KS - Millie B
For working hard to improve your handwriting. You have listened to feedback and have tried your best particularly with your letter sizing. Keep up the amazing work Millie!
1/2E - Misa D
For demonstrating a love of learning and using creativity in reading and writing. You have listened to feedback positively and tried your best! Keep up the awesome work Misa!