Anthony's Message

Dear Parents and Carers
On Thursday 30th of May we held our annual athletics carnival for the 4/5/6 students at Keilor Athletics Track. I was able to pop in for a visit to watch our budding shot putters, long jumpers and sprinters in action. I was taken by how smoothly everything was operating and the joy our students were getting from being out in the elements competing and engaging the skills they had developed during PE sessions with Mr Dane.
The other striking energy of the day came in the distinct sense of collaboration that was on display. One of our school values was shown through the wonderful team work between our staff and parent helpers and the way they ensured all events ran to time and with every child having an opportunity to take part. A big thank you to the staff who supported Mr Dane on the day and our wonderful parent volunteers, these events don't just achieve a great outcome for our students they model the exact behaviours we want them to learn.