Grant Rounsley

Implementing The Berry Street Model at Valkstone Primary School 

We are excited to announce the integration of The Berry Street Education Model into our school's daily practices. This model, developed by Berry Street, a leading child and family services organisation in Australia, focuses on trauma-informed teaching to support the holistic development of students. By adopting this approach, we aim to foster a safe, supportive, and engaging learning environment for all our students. 


Background of The Berry Street Model 

The Berry Street Education Model is grounded in trauma-informed practices, positive education, and well-being science. It equips educators with strategies to address the complex needs of students who may have experienced trauma or other significant challenges. The model emphasises five key domains: Body, Relationship, Stamina, Engagement, and Character. By focusing on these areas, educators can help students build resilience, self-regulation, and a sense of belonging, which are essential for academic and personal success. 


Morning Welcome Circles 

One of the core practices we've implemented is the Morning Welcome Circle. This daily ritual involves students and teachers gathering in a circle at the start of the day. The purpose of the welcome circle is to create a sense of community and belonging. Each student has the opportunity to share a greeting, a positive thought, or something they are looking forward to. This practice helps to establish a positive tone for the day, allowing students to feel seen and heard. It also fosters trust and mutual respect among classmates, which are crucial for a supportive learning environment. 


Ready to Learn Check-Ins 

In addition to the welcome circles, we have introduced "Ready to Learn" check-ins within each class. These check-ins occur at the beginning of each lesson and serve as a quick and effective way for teachers to gauge the emotional and mental readiness of their students. During these check-ins, students use a simple system, such as thumbs up/down or a color-coded chart, to indicate how they are feeling. Teachers can then provide immediate support or adjustments to the lesson to ensure that all students are in a good place to engage and learn. 


These check-ins are essential for identifying any barriers to learning that students may be experiencing, whether they are emotional, social, or academic. By addressing these issues promptly, we can create a more inclusive and responsive classroom environment. 


Looking Ahead 

As we continue to implement The Berry Street Model, we anticipate seeing significant benefits in our students' well-being and academic performance. We are committed to providing a nurturing environment where every student feels valued and supported. We look forward to sharing more updates on our progress and the positive impact of these practices on our school community. 


Thank you for your ongoing support as we embark on this important journey to enhance the well-being and success of our students.