Angela Dawson

Mothers and Special People Morning

We thoroughly enjoyed welcoming in all the Mothers and Special People who came into the school on Friday 10th May. The children were buzzing having all their special people in and our teachers loved opening up their classrooms and sharing the space with you all!


Also, our students had the opportunity to buy a gift for a special person in their lives at our annual Mothers Day Stall. Students take this very seriously, and there were some very difficult decisions being made! We had over a 1000 gifts sold!


This stall is also a fundraising activity for the school, with an ammazing $2095.45 being raised on the day! 


On behalf of the Valkstone students and staff, I would like to personally thank the 21 wonderful parent volunteers who gave up their time to run the stall - without their hard work and time given, it would not be possible to run this activity. We are very appreciative, and look forward to sharing with you more information about what these funds go towards.


Second Hand Uniform Sale

From time to time here at Valkstone, we have some very generous parents donate uniform items to the school that are no longer needed. These items get added to our second hand uniform collection, which we regularly sale to our families at a very reduced price. This provides a service for our parents, and also adds a little bit more into our fundraising numbers for the year.


Our recent sale was again only possible due to the generosity of time given by our wonderful volunteers on the day:

  • Emma Reid  - organiser
  • Pauline Parkin
  • Olga Nemirovskaya
  • Slav Leholat
  • Kim Hazendonk


Thank you for running this sale for our school community - we all greatly appreciate your hard work!


Valkstone is on Instagram!


Valkstone in now very active on Instagram! Follow us for frequent updates on what is happening at school, classroom highlights, special events, student achievements and fun messages to our special people.


A big thank you to our teachers Olivia Rogers and Jess Williams, who are working very hard to create content and share the 'behind the scenes' moments with the community.


There are some unverified accounts out there that look like they may be us, but to make sure you are following the official account, feel free to scan the QR code below.