From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
This might seem like an obvious statement, but the best way for our school to improve outcomes for students, is for our staff to continuely improve their teaching practice.
As anyone who has worked in an organisation knows, reflecting on how an organisation does things and then making changes based on this, isn't simple. Often people can be reluctant to change based on a number factors and this reluctance slows progress and decreases results. Businesses or schools that get amazing results are ones where there this reluctance is decreased through ongoing strategic hard work.
One thing we are aware of at Lysterfield Primary School is that building strong connections as a staff means we are able to get better results. When we dedicate time to building relationships we:
- enjoy each others company
- build trust
- can give more honest feedback
- ask for help more readily
- retain staff
This week at our regular staff meeting we took time out from learning to dedicate time to connecting. Our staff participated in a speed dating experience where they were given a number of brain teasers to solve, intertwined with conversation starters. Below are a couple for you to consider:
Conversation starter: Tell your partner about a time you've been proud of yourself
Brain teaser: If one = three, three = five and five = four, what does six equal? (the answer is at the end of my post)
We had a lot of fun and spent time with people we don't always have the chance to connect with. All this builds our connection to each other with the aim of improving our practice and student outcomes.
Student School Representation policy
Over the past few years, I have had a number of conversations with students about what the requirements are to represent the school. There have also been times where students have had their rights to represent the school revoked due to behaviour. This year I spoke with our school captains and they made the point that students who consistently fail to follow the school rules are not good representatives of the school and shouldn't have that right.
Over the past term I have consulted with staff, students, other schools, the Department and our own school council to come up with a policy and process to make it clear to everyone what is required for students to represent the school and what might see students lose this privilege. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that the students that represent Lysterfield Primary School display the values of the school and those expected by external entities such as, School Sport Victoria. The policy applies to selection, to represent the school in activities. It does not refer to attendance at camps or excursions.
The policy is available here.
2025 Prep Enrolments
2025 Prep enrolments are now open. The Department of Education and Training has released a new state-wide Prep digital enrolment and timeline and this timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Prep at a Victorian government primary school. Enrolments are now open, please click here for the registration link and to complete the enrolment application.
Enrolment timeline:
● Submit an enrolment form for Prep by Friday 26th July 2024
● You will be notified of the outcome of your application on Monday 29th July
● When you receive an offer of placement, you should accept the offer by Friday 23rd August 2024. You can accept only one placement offer.
Have a brilliant weekend!
Adam Wight | Principal
Brainteaser answer:
Six = Three
The second word is the number of letters in the first word