Learning Space News

Year 5/6
These pieces have been written with the assistance of students who hold the roles of Minister for Communication in the Year 5/6 Economic Classroom.
We have been creating non-fiction texts such as biographies, information reports, and letters. We have learnt about ANZAC day and wrote biographies on specific Australian soldiers. We have been writing information reports about Australian events, such as the Gold Rush, Blue Mountain Crossing, Eureka Rebellion among others. We have also been reading the class text ‘The Happiest Refugee’ and focusing on our comprehension, fluency and tone while reading.
Students have fractions, decimals and percentages learning goals that they have been trying hard to achieve. We have converted, simplified and used the four operations when calculating different equations involving fractions and decimals.
One activity we did was to make nets for 3D objects which were folded and stuck together as shapes - some were more complicated than others. We are starting to learn about angles and using a protractor to help us measure and draw angles.
We have learnt about how and why people have migrated to Australia, exploring significant events in Australian history and people that have impacted these events
We are busy preparing our projects ready for our ‘Living Museum’ expo we will be having on Friday 21st June. In groups of 2-3 we have been making dioramas about our topics that we chose, like the Gold Rush or Crossing the Blue Mountains. We used a design program to 3D print a few objects for our diorama. We made a presentation on Canva or Slides and even did a voice recording. We hope to see you all at our expo.
St Kilda Football Club Visit
We were fortunate enough to have some players from the St Kilda Football Club visit the Year 5/6 students, talking about life as a footballer. They spoke to the students about having a healthy diet and lifestyle, including training and mental preparation for game day. The players that attended were Jack Steele, Olli Hotton, Rowan Marshall, Tim Membrey and Brad Crouch.
Year 5 students have really loved spending time with their Foundation buddies. They have been lucky enough to read books together, play games with them and let’s not forget chalk drawing.
Year 6 students have been able to squeeze in a few buddy sessions and they enjoyed playing with cards, creating towers, writing their names and playing Snap. They collaboratively created a creature adding different features based on the roll of a dice.
Interschool Sport
Year 6 students have been battling it out with neighbouring schools this term in the sports of sofcrosse, netball, AFL and soccer. They have had some wins and losses and their skills and teamwork have continued to improve. With only a few more games left we look forward to seeing if any of the teams make the finals.
While the Years 6 students are playing sport the Year 5 students have been keeping fit, actively participating in team challenges, minor games and even some line dancing.
Crazy Hair Day
It was lovely to see so many Year 5/6 students put effort into creating some unique hairstyles. We were very proud our school was able to beat our initial fundraising target.
Student Shoutout
We are very proud of Roger in Year 5 for showing great skill and confidence when trying out for the U14 State Volleyball team. He has done an amazing job and has been successful in making it through to the 3rd round. Keep up the good work Roger!