Key Dates

Friday 7th June Assembly, 3pm
Monday 10th June King's Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th June Bookings for Parent Teacher Interviews Open
Tuesday 11th June AFL Clinic
Wednesday 12th June Year 3-6 Swimming
Wednesday 12th June Region Cross Country
Thursday 13th June Year 3-6 Swimming
Monday 17th June Year 3-6 Swimming
Tuesday 18th June Year 5/6 Athlete Visit
Tuesday 18th June AFL Clinic
Wednesday 19th June Year 3-6 Swimming
Thursday 20th June Year 3-6 Swimming
Friday 21st June Year 5/6 'Living Museum' Expo
Friday 21st June Assembly, 3pm
Monday 24th June - Year 5/6 Sovereign Hill Camp
Wednesday 26th June (2 night - 3 day camp)
Tuesday 25th June AFL Clinic
Wednesday 26th June School Council Meeting
Friday 28th June Last day of Term 2, students finish at 2:30pm
Monday 15th July Curriculum Day - no school for students
Tuesday 16th July First Day of Term 3
Monday 22nd July Yarn Bark Whole School Incursion
Wednesday 24th July Foundation - Year 2 Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday 25th July Years 3-6 Student Led Conferences