Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning / Maths News

Eloise Ellis

Explicit Instruction

Part of the MACS Vision for Instruction, which was posted in my section last week, is the Explicit Instruction Sequence.

Starting with the introduction of new content and skills, effective teaching will generally follow this sequence:

Explicit Instruction: Teachers fully explain the concepts and skills that students are required to learn. The most efficient way to teach knowledge is to teach it explicitly, and this is particularly true for the introduction of new concepts. However, this does not mean students are passively receiving information.

Modelling: Effective teachers break down what students need to learn into smaller learning outcomes and model each step so that students can see what is expected from them.

Guided Practice: Teachers provide multiple opportunities for students to practise, and support is gradually removed as students develop understanding and can work more independently.

Independent Practice: Once students have developed understanding, teachers must ask students to complete tasks themselves while the teacher monitors and provides feedback.


Teachers also gather formative assessment to inform their teaching and engage students in regular reviews, to revisit learnt material.