Peer Support

Mrs Choueiri

Week 7 - Make a choice

Our Peer Support session in Stronger Together in Week 7 provided for a series of problem solving and decision making activities to analyse how and why we make the choices we do. It considered aspects of safety and a moral sense of purpose about why we should seek to support others and look more deeply into how our decisions can have a bigger impact than we first thought.

Week 8 - No Peer Support due to Stage 3 Camp

Week 9 - Standing together

Our Peer Support session in Stronger Together this week looks at the impact of how working together as a team with similar beliefs, can provide a barrier to bullying. When everyone is focussed on promoting positive behaviours that respect diversity and individual need, bullying can be reduced. Activities that focus on building the strength of teams and awareness of the responsibilities of bystanders assists in a whole of school approach. Parents and carers could talk with their child about how they could help others who are not experiencing good relationships.

Week 10 - Take the lead

The final session in our Stronger Together Peer Support module summarises skills learnt in previous sessions and provides an opportunity to plan to implement further initiatives across the school. Students will be able to identify personal and whole of school goals to further address bullying and build their own resilience. Ask your child what they have learnt and what else they would like to learn about having good relationships. Contact us with your ideas.


Thank you, all participating students, Peer Leaders, staff and parents/carers, for your support.