P&C Update

Natasha Cuenza (President) and Margaret Glushkova (Vice President) 

P&C Update- Term 2, Week 8


School Fun Run – 3rd July 

Get ready to put on your running shoes, your white attire, and join us for an exhilarating and vibrant event that promises fun, fitness, and a kaleidoscope of colours – the School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day!


Mark your calendars because on Wednesday 3rd July 2024, our school grounds will be transformed into a canvas of colours. The event aims to promote health, wellness, and community spirit while having an absolute blast! Join us 1pm-3pm bring your white t-shirt and clothes you don’t care about too much and be prepared to become a rainbow. 


This will be our major fundraiser for the year, and we’re raising funds for our school to make up for the government funding cuts. Sign up at www.schoolfunrun.com.au today to get involved! 

All fundraising children will get a prize to choose from. 


The brochures were handed out in week 6. Extras are in the school office. 


Get ready to make memories with your kids, while they run, laugh, and get drenched in a spectrum of colours!


Support unit, asthmatics and students with any allergies will run first where they will have paint pens to draw on the children’s shirts as they dash by us. All other students will experience the popular colour run using coloured corn starch powder, which is safe and a staple in certain countries. 


The more you raise the better the prize you will be able to pick!

Don’t forget to wear your white shirts on the day of the race.

Join us on some fun with the kiddies!

Good luck and happy fundraising!


First milestone reached for Fun Run !

On Friday we reached our first milestone of $5000, the 2 top classes who raised the most money are classes 2/3O and 3/4V had won the Zooper Doopers for their whole class

We also got to SLIME a teacher!!!

When we reach another $5000, we get to SLIME another teacher!!!



P&C Meeting - Join the Conversation!

Attending our P&C meetings is a great way to stay in the loop with school activities and plans for the upcoming term. It's also an opportunity to share your thoughts and contribute to discussions. Paid P&C members can vote on event decisions and other matters.

Our next meeting is scheduled for the 18th June at 10am in the school hall. Join us to be among the first to learn about what's coming up and to connect with other parents and carers. 

We look forward to seeing you there!







P&C Suggestion box

We value your feedback and ideas. Inside the school's office, you'll find our P&C Suggestion Box. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, please drop us a note in the box. 

We look forward to hearing from you!


Term 2 

Here’s a sneak peek into what the P&C has planned for Term 2 – 

  • Next P&C meeting – 18th June 10.00am in the school hall.
  • School Fun Run – 3rd July 1pm to 3pm at the school oval

We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community.  

More details in the next newsletter, so stay tuned.