Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

P&C Fundraising 

The P&C are fundraising with a School Fun Colour Run on Wednesday 3 July. Brochures were sent home at the end of Week 6 on how to create a profile for raising funds. There are signs around the school with information and in the office. The P&C target is to raise $20000 and as of last week, the first milestone of $5000 has been reached. Thank you for your efforts so far! 

The event is for all students from Preschool through to Year 6. Details of the day will be sent out in Week 9. 



Today 100 Stage 3 students and teachers headed off on their 3 day excursion to Canberra. Hopefully they packed their warm clothes and socks! We are positive they will have a wonderful experience.

The alternate Stage 3 excursion to State Parliament and the ANZAC Memorial in Hyde Park was also held today.

Both excursions support the learning in HSIE, specifically History - 'The Australian Colonies' and 'Australia as a Nation' (NSW Syllabus) and cross curriculum priorities 'Civics and Citizenship.'

We look forward to reading about their experiences in our next newsletter.


Last Wednesday, Stage 1 students went on an excursion to Sydney Zoo. Despite the cold weather, the students had a fantastic day and got to see some Australian wildlife up close. The excursion also supports the learning for Stage 1 in Science and Technology - 'Living Things.'



Quote for Week 8

Experience is knowledge. All the rest is information. 

Albert Einstein