
Year 7 English

What’s happening in English?

Our Year 7 students have enthusiastically embraced the art of persuasive speech. Throughout Term 2, they have immersed themselves in the conventions and techniques that make for compelling and influential communication students learned to structure their arguments coherently, employing persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions, emotive language, and the artful use of evidence. These budding speakers have not only honed their ability to construct compelling arguments but have also delved into the importance of audience awareness and engagement. 


In Week 11, they had the opportunity to showcase these skills in their classrooms by arguing a range of debate topics which included: contact sports should be banned in schools, Australia should implement a four day work/school week, and whether Netflix was right to ban password sharing. In Term 3, we look forward to seeing their newfound skills in action. Stay tuned to witness the impressive results of their hard work and dedication in the realm of persuasive speaking for students who continue to hone their skills throughout term 3 during debating club.


Ms Amelia Amuso on behalf of the Brinbeal English Team