Shoes & PE Uniform

Shoes & PE Uniform

We are excited to be able to begin using our Community Hub next term for our Physical Education classes. Classes will have access to our brand new indoor courts, which are ready for a number of different sports including basketball, netball, badminton, volleyball and many more. Students will also have be able to participate in organised clubs at lunchtimes.


To ensure we are able to maintain the courts to a high standard students must ensure that they have runners for all PE classes and sporting activities at lunchtime. Students will not be allowed to participate in the on court activities in school shoes. These shoes mark and damage the surface of the courts. Students who do not have black runners must wear their black school shoes to school and change into their runners for PE or sporting activities.


A reminder that students should be wearing their polo shirt for PE prac. Tracksuit pants may only be worn on PE Prac days. Next semester PE prac classes occur on the following days:

  • Monday for 7C & 7G
  • Tuesday for 7B & 7F
  • Friday for 7A, 7D, 7E & 7H