Road Safety

School Drop-off & Pick-up

We request that parents refrain from making U-turns or 3-point turns in front of the College. Over the course of the year, we have had numerous near misses between vehicles and on occasion near misses of our students. To ensure the safety of our students and the school community parents are asked to turn around away from the busy area at the front of the College. 


Parents are also reminded to obey the 40km/hr speed zone within our school area and ensure they look for students as they cross the road. We appreciate your support to keep our students safe coming and going from school.

Bike & Scooter Safety

Families are reminded that it is a legal requirement that helmets be worn when riding a bicycle or scooter in Victoria.


Mandatory bicycle helmet laws were introduced in July 1990. This applies when riding:

  • on roads and road-related areas
  • on bike and shared paths
  • in bike lanes
  • in recreational parks
  • in car parks 
  • on footpaths. 

Police can stop bike and scooter riders and issue a fine or a warning for not wearing an approved bicycle helmet.


It is important to note that these laws apply to everyone regardless of religion or the headwear a person wears.

Helmet tips for parents & carers from VicRoads

Research shows that wearing a bicycle helmet reduces the risk of head injury by 60 to 90 per cent. Of children aged 0-9 years who were fatally or seriously injured, only 42 per cent were wearing helmets (according to police reported crashes between 2004 and 2008).


A bicycle helmet will only protect your child’s head if it is the right size and fitted correctly. When choosing a bike helmet, make sure:

  • it fits firmly and comfortably on your head and cannot be tilted in any direction
  • the straps can be adjusted so there is no slack when fastened
  • it has a sticker showing it is safety approved and meets the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2063
  • it is marked with the symbol of a body accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ), certifying compliance with AS/NZS2063 (for helmets manufactured or imported from 1 July 2012). 

Children learn by watching the important adults in their lives, so make sure you always wear your helmet when you ride and that it is fitted and adjusted to fit your head correctly.