Student of the Month


As part of our acknowledgement of students who are representing our College Values, we will be presenting Student of the Month awards to students we believe have best represented the values during each month.


7A - Jenna Elshomouny

"Jenna is an enthusiastic participant during every lesson. She consistently puts in effort and involves herself in class discussions by contributing her ideas." 




7B - Aaryan Thota

"Aaryan is always well-prepared, eager to improve, and completes his work to a high standard. His respectful demeanour and positive contributions to class discussions set a positive example for his peers. "



7C - Maahir Singh Saini

"Maahir has shown great effort during Performing Arts classes. He frequently contributes to class discussions and enthusiastically participates in activities."




7D - Aanvi Samreddy

"Aanvi is respectful in class and listen to all instructions. She always puts her effort in class to do the best.She is actively taking part in class discussion"




7E - Aarman Singh Bhullar

"Consistently stays back after class to help clean and is always putting his hand up to help out. Always showing consistent school values and trying his best." 




7F - Ruby Tran-Nguyen

"Consistently ensuring that she finishes her work in class, is resilient and supportive of her friends, and always has a smile on her face!  


Ruby made an amazing and authentic scratch animation which showed great coding skills and creativity. She is someone who always sets her expectations high and strives to achieve her personal best in all that she does!"

7G - Sehajpreet Kaur

"Sehajpreet is a hard working, focused and responsible student. She respects her peers and staff while also trying to complete all learning tasks and assessments. She is a model student who mostly does her work quietly."



7H - Aaron Kumar Sharma

"In Englush, Aaron has consistently completed his work to a high standard and taking careful consideration of any feedback given to further improve his planning for the oral presentation. He always contributes to class discussions and sets a positive example for his peers regarding academic success. He also always offers to help the teacher and his peers."