Governing Council

Hello Para Vista Community
What a very busy start to Term 2 with the Mother’s Day stall which was very successful in raising money for the school. We hope you all enjoyed your gifts. The Mother’s Day breakfast had a wonderful turn out and we would like to thank all who attended. We hope you enjoyed your breakfast.
We celebrated National Volunteer Week 20th to 26th May. Thank you to all the volunteers
who give up some of their time to come and help to support our students, teachers, and programs. If you would like to be involved with volunteering at the school, please contact the front office staff.
National Reconciliation Week was celebrated by the school and students were asked to “Wear it Proud” and dress in First Nation Flag colours on Friday 31st May. The students worked throughout the week making yarning sticks with their buddies and at the end of the week joined together in a whole school yarning circle. It was great to see everyone come together and celebrate our history, cultures, and achievements and start yarning about how we can contribute to reconciliation.
NAIDOC Week is the 7th - 14th of July which falls in the first week of school holidays. To celebrate, the canteen will be offering cupcakes with First Nations flag toppers. A flyer will be sent out via Seesaw over the next week for students to put their orders in.
This year's theme celebrates the unyielding spirit of our communities and invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices that have long been silenced. There will be more information about NAIDOC Week in our next newsletter.
Thank you to the Staff, Community and Students who continue to support our canteen by placing regular orders, please continue to do so.
Tara Symonds
Governing Council Chairperson