Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
Winter has hit! Despite the cold rainy weather change last week, many children still enjoyed the Zooper Dooper special last Friday. This week the Kindy have enjoyed a Pirate themed special of fish fingers and chips.
We will also be having a cupcake special in week 8, Friday 21st June to celebrate both Reconciliation Week which happened in week 5 and NAIDOC week which is in the holidays. Please keep an eye out for a flyer coming out soon.
Week 4 was Volunteer Week and we again would like to thank our many volunteers for giving us their time. We have some wonderful parents and grandparents who help us out, as well as our team of student helpers. If you would like to volunteer with us, please get in touch with the canteen or the school office. If you have previously offered help and have not heard back, please reach out again so we can check up on the process of your application.
Did you know we are still a collection point for Aussie bread tags for wheelchairs? If you have any (plastic only) bread tags at home, you can drop them in to us. The bread tags are recycled in Robe, South Australia, to raise funds to purchase wheelchairs. They have recently purchased their 98th wheelchair!
Canteen Upgrade
The Governing Council have approved some exciting and much needed upgrades to the canteen. We will be getting a large new sink area and hot water system to ensure we are keeping up with current regulations.
Works will happen mainly in the holidays so canteen service should not be affected too much. However to keep our service viable, this will mean we need to carefully monitor pricing and there will be some increases coming in the next couple of weeks.
Menu update
The online QKR! menu is more detailed and shows current availability so please use that to order when possible. Our hot chicken and mayo roll has been put back on the menu and continues to be very popular. Keep an eye out for butter chicken returning soon.
Jelly Stix have been removed from the menu for winter. Unfortunately many of the wrappers from these were being dropped on the ground so we are hoping that this will change if they are reintroduced at a later time.
Preschool students are welcome to order lunches, drinks and snack foods (unfortunately not frozen treats except on special days) through QKR! If you need to do a preschool cash order, please visit the canteen in person between 9-9:30am to place the order. If you need help setting up QKR! please come in and see us in the canteen or via the school office. Any lunch orders will be delivered to the preschool at lunchtime by our team of year 5/6 helpers.
Ordering cut-off time
The cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8:50am each morning. Please check that the date and child you are ordering for is correct to help avoid mix-ups. Sometimes QKR! gets overloaded and takes some time to process orders, so try not to leave ordering until the last minute. Any cash orders still need to be placed in the class tray by 9:15am. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for, (applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks and ice-creams can be held until the next day). To cancel, ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen.
Unfortunately children arriving late and wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10 am.
Menu update
The online QKR! menu is more detailed and shows current availability so please use that to order when possible. Our Hot chicken and mayo roll has been put back on the menu and continues to be very popular. Keep an eye out for butter chicken returning soon. As the term goes on we will continue to assess which items are popular and which are not and changes may be made.
Michelle & Karran