From the Leadership Team

Lots to be proud of...
Staff Learning
On our recent Pupil Free Day, staff participated in the fourth and final day of our learning in the Berry Street Education Model. We were privileged to have the Director of Education at Berry Street come from Melbourne to facilitate our day and he provided us with lots of thinking and confirmation that the strategies we already have in place put us in a positive direction. Berry Street have recently recorded our story of impact and will be publishing this to promote our work as a Spotlight School. I am very proud of the commitment of all staff and the work that has happened so far and look forward to seeing how we can support our students with the new learning.
Reconciliation Week
Last week our students participated in some important learning when we recognised National Reconciliation Week which is a time to learn, reflect and take action towards a more just and inclusive Australia. It's an important opportunity for our students to learn together and celebrate our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
During the week, students worked with their buddies to make yarning sticks and last Friday we joined together in a whole school yarning circle. Some classes made damper, drew symbols and another held their morning circle around
a "camp fire". It's essential that the learning we do as part of Reconciliation Week isn't isolated and teachers will continue to extend this by including cultural perspectives throughout their teaching.
The redevelopment of our downstairs toilets is complete and students are now using these new facilities. Both toilet facilities were totally gutted and now have new floors, partitions, toilets and sinks. All the walls have been painted and new lighting installed. The work on the upstairs toilets in Vista building has now begun and will be completed before the end of the term. We are extremely fortunate to have these new facilities and know that our students will help each other to care for them and use them appropriately.
SAPSASA & Festival of Music Achievements
Some of our senior students have recently demonstrated courage and tried out for opportunities outside of our school in both sport and music.
Last week, Archer (V20) and Tex (V20) played football at the SAPSASA State Carnival as part of the Salisbury East District team. They played very well throughout the carnival with their team finishing fourth. Congratulations to both of you!
Alex (V20) was also successful in her tryout for the district netball team and she will play in the State Carnival in the coming weeks. We look forward to sharing more about her experience in our next newsletter.
As part of the Festival of Music, Isla (V16) successfully auditioned for the SA Public Primary Schools Choir, which is comprised of students from across the state. The SAPPS Choir provides a choral extension program and is the showcase choir for the Festival of Music and the Department for Education.
We are extremely proud of these students as well as all others who have participated in tryouts and auditions. It is great to see them challenging themselves to give a new experience a try.
As a school, we continue to aim high and encourage all of our students to take on new opportunities.