Sports News

NSW PSSA Knockout Soccer
This year marked Roselea's debut in the NSW PSSA knockout competition. We had the honour of selecting the top 28 players to represent our school in a match against Beecroft PS on 10th May. Despite our team's effort and unwavering spirit, Beecroft proved to be the stronger side, and we did not advance to Round 3.
We are incredibly proud of our players, who gave their all from the first whistle to the last. A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who came out to support Roselea. We are excited about our chances next year and look forward to progressing further in the competition.
Mr So and Mr Yu
Zone Cross Country
We are looking forward to an exciting day at Fagan Park and want to wish our 2024 Beecroft Zone Cross Country participants the very best for Thursday's event.
Mrs Janssen