Principal's Message
Mrs Belinda Hall - Relieving Principal
Principal's Message
Mrs Belinda Hall - Relieving Principal
Parent Involvement
It was wonderful to see the joy on the students’ faces as they chose presents from the Mothers’ Day Stall. Though my favourite part of the stall was seeing the parents who were volunteering on the day. Their genuine care for our students was abundant and a great reminder of our amazing school community. These events do not just happen, there is a lot of work behind the scenes beforehand. We have fantastic parent helpers who volunteer their time and expertise for the benefit of the students and school. If you would like to support our school, you can volunteer for canteen, uniform shop, and other school events. You do not need any experience, just a willingness to help. If you are interested, please contact the office and we will put you in contact with the organiser. Alternatively, you are welcome to attend the parents C.H.A.T group on Friday 24 May in the hall from 9am-11am.
Student safety
Thank you for your diligence closing the gates throughout the day. A reminder that the pedestrian gate next to the driveway closes at 9.05am. If your child arrives after this time, please use the middle pedestrian gate as they will need to be signed in at the office.
Community Consultation
We are currently in the process of updating our School Behaviour Support and Management Plan. An important part of updating our policies is gaining community input. The first aspect of this policy to be discussed with the school community is the revision of our Anti-Bullying Plan. I will be explaining the current practices and updated plan with the P&C at the upcoming meeting next Monday 27 May. Once shared with parents at the P&C meeting, this document will then be uploaded to the school website.
Reconciliation Week
Next Monday is the start of National Reconciliation Week from 27 May to 3 June. The theme this year is Now More Than Ever, acknowledging that although we have made some progress on our reconciliation journey, there is still more to do.
There will be various events and classroom activities during Reconciliation Week. On Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May, students will be engaging in an Indigenous incursion to learn more about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieve reconciliation in Australia.
Upcoming events for the fortnight:
Monday 20 May – Author Visit
Thursday 23 May – Zone Cross Country
Thursday 23 May – Whole school assembly
Monday May 27 – P&C meeting
Tuesday 28 May – Year 5 debate
Wednesday 29 May – Year 6 debate
Thursday 30 May – Choir rehearsal at Epping West PS
Thursday 30 & Friday 31 May – Muru Mittigar incursion
Friday 31 May – Winter PSSA starts
Principal Awards