Assistant Principal's Report

It’s been a fantastic Semester marked by academic excellence, cultural enrichment, and significant professional learning aimed at enhancing student learning and wellbeing.
During Semester 1, our students worked hard and achieved impressive results across all grades, supported by our dedicated teachers, laying a strong foundation for their academic success. We celebrated our school through events and initiatives that promote understanding, respect, students, staff, and families.
Staff engaged in Term 1 Professional Learning focused on three key areas: Data Literacy, Differentiation, and Disability Inclusion. These sessions aimed to enhance teaching practices and support student needs more effectively. A highlight of Term 2 was the continuation of staff Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) focused on improving student learning and wellbeing in our classrooms.
Year 7 students have transitioned successfully into our school community having completed a full semester of classes. Beyond the classroom, Year 7 students have eagerly participated in a variety of extracurricular activities. These activities not only enhance their school experience but also foster important life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and creativity. As we move into the next semester, we are excited to continue supporting our Year 7 students on their educational journey and have many exciting plans and programs in place to further enhance their learning and development.
Year 9 students have just completed Grow Week. This week-long initiative has provided our students with invaluable opportunities for personal development, career exploration, and community engagement. Throughout the week, Year 9 students engaged in a variety of activities designed to introduce them to different career paths and help them start thinking about their futures. Building on the success of this week, we plan to expand and enhance these programs in the future. Our goal is to provide ongoing support and opportunities for our students to explore their interests, develop essential skills, and make meaningful contributions to their community.
Our Year 10 students took part in work experience programs—a crucial step in gaining practical insights into different professions and industries. This opportunity helped them explore career paths and develop essential workplace skills. Thank you to the businesses and organizations that hosted them. They were also triumphantly acknowledged in the Year 10 Awards. The awards were recognition of student achievement, leadership, creativity and behaviours.
Senior school students were put on two notable productions this semester: the Theatre Studies production of "Don's Party" and the Year 10 production of "The 39 Steps". These performances showcased our students' talents and were very well supported by the community with sellout performances each night. I would also like to highlight the extraordinary achievement of Year 10 student Cas S. Cas has been selected to perform at the Dance and the International Conference in Lublijana, Slovenia.
We are immensely proud of Cas and wish him every success in this incredible endeavour.
Finally, we would like to thank all students, staff and parents for making this first Semester one of great achievement and collaboration. Wishing you all a restful break and we look forward to seeing everyone back and refreshed for Semester 2.
Jo Sayer
Assistant Principal (Years 10-12)
Seraya Brain
Assistant Principal (Years 7-9)