
This year, debating has triumphantly returned to PHSC.
Since February, students in years 9 – 12 have competed in the Debater’s Association Victoria (DAV) Schools Competition. Four rounds have been held so far at Coburg High School, where PHSC students have debated against other schools registered in the Coburg Region. All teams have tasted success and have gained invaluable lessons in their losses.
Special mention to Zadie Bekessy (Year 10), Ava Martinucci (Year 10), Heidi Rawson, (Year 10) and Alfie Webb (Year 9) have received Best Speaker Awards throughout the season.
The final round will be held on Wednesday 31st July.
For our Year 7’s and 8’s, recruitment and preparation has enthusiastically begun for the DAV Junior Secondary Program, which will begin in full in Term 3.
To kick off their experience, on June 12th, three teams of junior debaters were invited to a Debating Symposium hosted by Xavier College. It was a tremendously successful night, where PHSC students competed against Xavier College and Loreto teams, coming away with two wins!
Over the semester, students have gained public speaking experience and the confidence growth from round to round has been great to witness. Students have also been exposed to and had to research various issues in the media and around the world, broadening their knowledge of current affairs and developing their critical thinking skills.
We’re all looking forward to Semester 2 and the exciting debates ahead!
Rebecca McGrath
Debating Coordinator
Reflections from some of our debaters;
From A Grade debaters (yr11+12):
“Debating has been an engaging and fun extra curricular activity to participate in this year so far. Working with teammates who are your friends and getting to know new people is a really great experience, as well as helping to work on confidence and public speaking skills. The weekly meetings are low maintenance and high reward, with the 5 debate nights well spread out and engaging. Even when you're watching your team and not actually speaking, it is still great fun to support them. Overall, debating has been so fun, and I can't wait for next season!” – Pearl Clayton, Leo Grassia, Sam Thompson and Maverick Lim
From C Grade
“Debating has been a great experience so far, it has been good to grow confidence in public speaking and has expanded our knowledge on various topics. It has been especially interesting to consider the way in which ou can view things from so many different perspectives. It’s also been great to form new friendships and work in a team.”
Odette Rozsa, Sam Clemson and Lola Widmer