Principals Report

Getting to where we want to go is not always straightforward. Our cover page shows students labouring up a hill on Boot Camp. Few worthwhile things are achievable without effort, persistence and resilience. Whether it is a physical challenge of endurance or mastering a skill like playing a musical instrument, delivering a dramatic performance writing an absorbing creative narrative or solving a complex equation in mathematics; getting better at something invariably involves doing the 'hard yards'. When we see or hear moving performances or apparently effortless excellence, we often forget the work that goes on behind the scenes.
As I move around the school seeing student artwork on the walls, students with heads down over maths problems, vibrant discussions about political issues or young chefs cooking up a storm in Food Tech I am heartened by the learning and growth going on in so many young lives around our concrete building and at venues beyond.
And when we feel that we aren't there yet or stumble at a hurdle, a growth mindset will help's us understand that with effort and persistence we can get closer to where we want to go. If our mindset is more fixed, we can end up believing that nothing can change or we will never improve or learn or grow whilst the success of others is to be envied or resented.
The road to where we want to go is inevitably a journey, one that can be more satisfying than the destination itself.
Trevor Smith