Year Three/ Four

Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe & Michelle Wright (Class 34A)
Lachlan Prasad (Class 34B)
Rebecca Calvert (Class 34C)
This term in Math, the students began by exploring chance and data. They focused on the vocabulary used to discuss chance, and created a glossary of commonly used terms. The students began learning how to collect and display data.
Next, the students learnt about multiplication and division. They were taught strategies to solve single digit multiplication and division problems, and have extended themselves to solve problems involving two-digits. The students have also learnt how beneficial it is to know their times tables to help them solve multiplication problems.
We then practiced telling the time. The students learnt how to use the language 'quarter past' and 'quarter to', and practiced telling the time to the minute.
Parents can assist their child at home by encouraging them to read the time on an analogue clock, and to perform simple time calculations (eg: if school starts at 8:45am and it takes 10 minutes to walk there, what time do you need to leave home?).
We have finished the term with some fun math concepts: symmetry and mapping. Students explored the concept of symmetry and how it is abundant in the natural environment. They used their creative juices to create some symmetrical artwork.
The students thoroughly enjoyed creating maps about themselves and learning how to read grid references.
Camp is fast approaching and the event is now on Compass.
On Thursday 25th July at 5pm, the 3/4 team will be hosting a camp information evening. We would appreciate if you could take the time to read over the information provided in the camp event over the coming weeks. Parents of students in Year 3/4 are encouraged to attend to find out the expectations, requirements and activities whilst at camp. The information evening will be located in the Performing Arts room (enter through the double glass doors at the front of the school) and will run for approximately 30 minutes. Prior to the evening, please send through any questions or wonderings you may have so we can address these on the night. To gauge an idea of attendees, can you please let us know whether you will be attending or not. We look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you all for a wonderful term. We hope you all have a restful break and we look forward to seeing you for a jam packed term three!
Specialist Timetable
Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes. * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *
3/4A | 3/4B | 3/4C |
P.E - Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am | P.E - Thursday 8:50am-9:40am | P.E- Thursday 9:40am-10:30am |
VISUAL ARTS - Thursday 9:40am-10:30am | VISUAL ARTS - Tuesday 2:40pm-3:30pm | VISUAL ARTS- Thursday 8:50am-9:40am |
PERFORMING ARTS - Thursday 8:50am-9:40am | PERFORMING ARTS - Thursday 9:40am-10:30am | PERFORMING ARTS- Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am |
SCIENCE - Monday 1:20pm-2:10pm | SCIENCE - Tuesday 1:20pm - 2:10pm | SCIENCE- Tuesday 9:40am-10:30am |
AUSLAN - Tuesday 2:40pm-3:30pm | AUSLAN - Wednesday 9:40am-10:30am | AUSLAN- Friday 1:20pm-2:40pm |