Creating Digitally Responsible Citizens

Do you know if your child is staying safe online?
Do you know if your child's personal information, photos and or social media identity is currently safe?
It is important to understand the risks and know how to protect your child's safety online. The eSafety Commissioner provides the following tools to support you and your family in navigating online safety (links provided below).
- What are the risks?
- How can I protect my child’s privacy when they are online?
- Can I safely share photos of my kids online?
- Involve your kids in decisions to share their photos
More information and support can be found here.
Canvas Support
If you need help understanding how to support your child with Canvas, please contact Mrs Courtney Freebody to make an appointment either face-to-face or via ZOOM -
CEDWW Student Responsible Use of Technology AGREEMENT_Secondary
Just a reminder…. Students and parents/carers need to sign this document and return to either the students Homegroup teacher or Mater Dei Catholic College Office.
A paper copy of the document is available from the front office.
Mrs Courtney Freebody | Leader of Learning - Digital Technology and STEM